Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mrs Monteith our Star

Mrs Monteith is leaving our school after 32 years! She is our special star. We invited her to our room and we asked her some questions.
"Do you have any pets?" said Mason
"What is your favoutite job?"said Hannah
"Why are you leaving?" said Tezni-Jay
"What jobs do you do at school?" said Ollie
"Why did you come to our school?" said Liam
"Will you miss us?" said kayla
"Have you any children?" said Sara
What will you miss when you leave?" said larissa
"Will you keep following the rainbow?" said Kees.
"What are you going to do when you leave?" said kade

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Magic weekend

I went to Taupo with Cam. What fun we had .I went in a kayak and i went on an Army tank. I saw the biggest gumboot in the world. Can you guess where I was ?Thanks Cam and your family for taking me with you.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Peter Rabbit

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Sunday, April 3, 2011